Friday, November 09, 2007

The Biography of a Blog

November 9, 2007

This blog was born early in 2006, at a time when I had a new toy -- a Mac laptop. A friend mentioned that Apple had informed him the new machines had blog capability, and I knew writing a blog would be duck soup for me.

I contacted another friend who lived in faraway Virginia and I knew to be pretty good with computers. He went to the Blogger home page and walked me through the process, starting his own blog (mendacious mouse) at the same time. For a period of about six months in 2006 the interaction between our two blogs kept us both afloat. At that time this blog became reflective and philosophical, and I aired my views about the meaning of life and the existence of God, right upside the movie reviews and what is known as entertainment trivia (but to me is a mainstay of life as I know it). I had notified a list of friends about the existence of this blog, and many, including artist John ("John Sweden") frequented both blogs and stirred up controversy as he educated us all about the many faces of art.

But Finding Fair Hope had been designed as a vehicle to sell my book Meet Me at the Butterfly Tree and my constant references to the book and to the town of Fairhope in which I had grown up were really not particularly helpful to sales of the book. I wrote about the book less and less, even as I posted daily on the blog until November of 2006.

Along about that time I became tired of the daily posts. I decided the blog itself was sapping my time and energy, and posted that I would cease the blog. Yet every few days I was inspired to post, and post I did. I never went back to once a day, but I was posting at least three times a week after I had announced that the blog was dead. My friends John Sweden and the blog-mentor "benedict s." began posting comments less frequently. Finding Fair Hope became the one-person wank job that a blog has a tendency to be. I know those are strong words, and in fact I'm rather proud of what I've written here, but I must admit that when you're writing just to expose your inner thoughts on myriad topics, you can get, shall I say, self-indulgent.

I still think this is an extraordinary place to browse. I do it myself sometimes. Just click on any post listed at the left, or on any given month in the past, and scroll down to topics you find intriguing. It's pretty damn good, if I do say so myself. The author has an interesting, quirky voice, and a wellspring of opinions.

Shall I continue this blog after I am no longer finding fair hope in Fairhope? Not quite. I have thought about it a lot lately, as I sort, pack and discard the detritus of my life for a move. But it becomes clear to me that I'll blog again.

I could rename this blog. A reader suggested the clever "Finding Fair Hoboken," which makes me smile just as this lovely person does when I think of her. But I've decided I'll create a blog called Finding Myself in Hoboken, describing the adjustments I must make in a new environment, the surroundings of Hoboken itself, and the changes in my life as I go forward.

I could just rename the blog and keep the address, but I think I'll find a way to make the address closer to the new blog title. I'd like to keep all the works here on the new blog, and if I figure out a way to do that I'll let you know.

There are not only second acts in American life, there are third acts. I come from the tradition of theatre in which the third act is when everything comes together, sometimes working out for the good. I hope that happens here.


Anonymous said...

How will we find you, oh Hoboken-bound one?

Anonymous said...

A new fresh title is in order for sure. What with the 'Big Move' and all, maybe "FINDING HOBO KIN" would be apt. Or , even something like "THREE FLIGHTS UP" might be catchy, or even "HAPPILY LOST IN THE CROWD",or "Hopping ABOUT HOBOKEN" considering the woeful toe. Maybe there is a way to connect the old and the new together so that those who have participated can once again see whatca got by siting up FF. Has been a fun diversion.

Mary Lois said...

I'm not sure how the mechanics of shifting to a new blog will work, but believe me, my regular readers will be able to find me. For now, I'm still at the same old stand, but keep coming back to see how it changes!

Steve said...

I'm glad you plan to continue blogging. I look forward to reading about your new adventures. And I hope your toe is feeling better day by day.

Anonymous said...

Much to your credit and great writing, Finding Fairhope has always been a joy to read and participate in. You have challenged us all to "up our game".

I will miss it, but will look forward to reading of your new, living in the shadow of the Big Apple, adventures.

You could go the Imus route and call it "Ho in Hoboken". :-D