I was late discovering House, the Fox offering about a particularly obnoxious genius doctor. I'm always kinda squeamish about hospital shows, and the title of this one didn't grab me. My channel-surfing remote just almost never finds it way to that channel anyway. Then my friend Justin Kahn made a mention on his blog about his lady love Lindsey ("the Lindzer") and her crush on that guy who plays House who actually is British but acts so American, and I just had to give it a look.

House is a character reportedly based on Sherlock Holmes, the brilliant loner who could solve mysteries in Victorian England and attracted a host of admirers without developing any particular charm or personality. The name "House" is a pun on "Holmes," and Dr. Wilson is supposed to be kind of a Dr. Watson, a second banana providing a voice for the viewers in an attempt to humanize the unapproachable title character. None of this is evident in watching the show; Dr. House has Holmes' uncanny ability to put together the pieces of a puzzle to diagnose what others overlook, but the idea that this show is a knockoff of anything is not the point anyway. It's original in its approach, and particularly in the character of House himself.
Hugh Laurie is a classic English actor, one who got his start in comedy and once dated Emma Thompson. He can play a little music and sometime does so on House. He has a beautiful deep, dark voice, and a scowly, sexy face. I look forward to seeing him in more things, even speaking in his native tongue.
I spent a little time on this blog trying to sell the offbeat series Six Degrees, which was pulled off the air around Christmas. Apparently my efforts worked because it's back on ABC on Friday nights. Based on the same premise as the play Six Degrees of Separation, that is that our lives are so entwined that we are only six people away from knowing everybody in the world. Something like that.
In the TV series Six Degrees, each episode follows the lives of a certain six people in New York, some of whom know each other and some don't, in parallel situations over a given period of time.

That, and they both contain a little eye candy for us old babes who can still dream of a geezer hunk. Or at least watch one on TV.
Whaddya mean, "geezer"? Neither of those guys is 50 yet!
Well, I guess I meant they are hunks a female geezer could relate to...
All the female geezers I know could relate to any hunk if they got the chance.
well, you're the third person this week to tell me how great house is...i guess that's a sign...i'll try to fit it in between dora the explorer and sesame street
and i feel the same way about campbell scott...ever since dying young, he's had me!
Sinjap, you might be interested in this post I wrote about Campbell months ago. Click on the blue letters!
I think he had me from "Hello," which was The Spanish Prisoner and he was in some offbeat little thing called Let It Be Me about ballroom dancing that also featured Leslie Caron in the 1990's.
Maybe someday he'll be famous.
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